The Meaning of Development

Development term is used largely by non-governmental organizations or other development agencies working on specific and realistic projects operation and address the issue over localities, through improving the capacity building and life quality for the future based at developing countries. It is involving “living” and “works”. Poorness, impoverishment, and lack did not demonstrate any progress. They all see them occur everywhere so there is one thing to do is alleviating poverty. Some people said referring that in the dire destitute circumstances, works are critical. Therefore, it brought our basic attention emphasized on---building on project design and management in order to identify the problems and settlements where it improves villagers' condition of living.

Poverty caused people to become inhumanity, bad intelligence and incapacity. Changes are required from all people and in harmony manner. So the word of development means that improvement of the human capacity to get energy or influence for their future. It is also relevant to living and works. It refers not only programs that fulfill physical changes but also to boost up human resources capacity then responds to those changes. Any action plan changes must be linked to individuals’ abilities. Its main purpose is to make a difference of community people’s quality of life by mobilizing both human resources and innovation of technology as input.

The idea of implementation differs from modernization and progress has been generally defined. Consequently, the definition of modernization is a practice of format and institutionalization; anyway it is just only taking prototype, model and technology for their countries. They may be sophisticated on technology and model but not developing capacity for their influence in the future.

Development is a process that require all members in society to enhance their own capacity including in the institutions to seek for and control local sustainable resources. In addition, it improves the quality of better conditions of living of local people to meet their needs. It represents of sustainable justice principle and harmony, in terms of ---only people can define clearly what they recognize as necessary in improving better livelihood. They can participate and make a decision on which project should be implemented.

Read about Key Principles For Community Development

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