Community Photos

popular sweet decoration
beautiful view sunset

attractive and nice house decoration for living

agriculture production is the national economy
raising animal to increase family income
Living with Nice Green Natural Resources

Productivity Increase to Improve Livelihood
Food Security in the family

World Wonder Angkor Temple Resort
rice crop product yield for local food demand supply

Population Living with agriculture harvesting for Asian region

Government accountability to enable people access to health care

healthcare for children education
livelihood improvement for quality of life Community Development Project
healthcare for the family

earning for living and income generating
The poor family smokes their fish for long eating as food security.

self improvement
prevent of climate change
Almost children in remote areas could not go to school, they need to help parents in generating income. Besides, the government did not establish schools for them yet.

disadvantage people from bad resources sharing
A poor widow who has lots of family burden and she needs to struggle to survive...
gains benefits from government development
The palm tree which gives much boons to community people for example they could use palm juice to produce brown sugar, the palm leaf was used to make a hat or house roof, its fruit for cooking or eating etc.

prevent kids dropping school
rice product harvesting
outreach at community working

A traditional type wedding at the remote community by riding a so-called bamboo-train run on the defunct rail in order to visit relatives' house
Palm trees which provides much interests like sugar
health education at community of healthy childrencare
villagers involve with community heath education
emergency assistance donation for humanitarian mission needed
culture is the human being heritage

poor education for children is government accountability
Poverty Reduction Through Increasing Production
farming helps farmers in generating income

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