Banking and Finance Sectors Deal with Poverty Reduction Framework

We have already known that after the recovery of a global economy in the last several years there is an establishment of banking and micro-finance which have been vibrantly operating in the developing country. Micro-finance is an integral part to alleviate the poverty of people. However, meanwhile, there are some individuals became terrible debtor because of consumption of loan in a wrong purpose.

For years before the presence of micro-finance loan services, the community people went to borrow a de-facto loanshark from the private money lenders. Some were in deepwater of debt and being insolvent. As a result, the lenders carry out a foreclosure of property like land or rice paddy. It increasingly makes them be poorer because most local people live by depending on farming but now they lost land to cultivate.

These days, micro-finance services are very popular among vulnerable community people due to their interest is reasonable to meet their need. Yet, there are many institutions which serve the loan delivery.

They noted that the micro-finance institutions have been playing a key role to contribute to the reduction of poverty amidst the government’s national plan, attributed to developing small business, developing of agriculture in the rural areas. Why that community loan is important in partaking in the development of a poor country. Because of the businessmen are able to get the loan in order to run or scale up the business within decent interest.

In theory, the growth of the banking sector and microfinance institutions is contributing to reducing poverty of poor people in the countries in this world. But for some cases of the rural area in the poor country, the borrowers from loan establishments are the victim because they increasingly plunge into a poorer situation. Why was that?

The expert and socioeconomic analyst explain to that because of some reasons, first, the lenders quickly approved to grant the loan to borrowers but without thorough assessment to the family environment. There is no clear explanation from the credit staff to the borrowers on how to use a loan for a specific purpose based on a community plan effectively. And the market of financing service is very competitive which affects the poor community regions.

Here is an example of wrong using of the loan, when they had received loan then they use it to buy other things instead of running or expanding their small business to generate income for the family. This case forced them to sell the land or property like cows and buffalo for paying back to the micro-finance agent and then they were pushed into the worst poor living.

Therefore, in order to gain mutual benefits both financing agent and community people must firmly ensure that the loan has to be used in proper and effective ways in expanding or running a small business and it was envisaged that the investment shall take the profit for alleviating poverty obviously.

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Why The Poor Still Poor 

Unemployment is a Concern of Community and Getting Job is Difficult

The job markets are sensitive issues for local community people, regional job seekers, students, parents and the government as well. Sometimes, we see that many students have graduated one year or a few years but they are still not able to find a job. We can place a question about who is in charge of this? It is a part of the government’s burden too. This is a very crucial topic which happens around the world related to the unemployment rate, mostly for the developing countries due to employment is an integral part to contribute nation’s GDP growth and social security.

The students always complaint their concerns of unemployment whenever they will have graduated university. Meanwhile, there are some graduates who get a job after graduation shortly. The status of unemployment after graduation for a few years ago was a high rate and remarkable that impact seriously to the community development, especially during the global economic crisis. Without a job, the community people could not generate their income in term of humanitarian NGOs and government wish to alleviate poverty effectively.

As of other graduates got part-time jobs too, but it is just a kind of temporary job or freelance job. Sometimes, the students who have graduated on their specific major but they perform duty not based on their specialization at the university which they had pursued it due to the narrow job market challenge. For instance, they have graduated majoring in Banking but they serve as health education officers.
The unemployment is really issue which impact to the livelihood and national economics and security. So who will be in charge of this concern and how could we address this issue.

Taking a simple glimpse that they may put the blame on the government’s accountability because the government has to perform duty in creating lots of job market for local people so that it could respond to the growth of job hunters in the nation. For sure, we recognize that the job market in the poor country (developing country) is narrowing compared to the graduates or job seekers who need the jobs every year.

The narrow job market due to the national economic scope is still limited. However, they may notice the presence of an investment in the factory, enterprise, tourism, and other industries have been prominent. But the country which depends on the main staple rice—agriculture investment is the national economic cornerstone seems lack of business enterprises like rice mill, lack of craft shop, recycling factory for agribusiness, modern technology, the market for exporting of agricultural products. In consequence, the local community people migrate to other neighboring countries for selling their labor in exchange for income.

We see that some kinds of people’s agricultural products were only produced for soon-eating-food in the wake of there is little recycling factory to produce fruit jam which preserves it as so-called long term foods for family and community. And if we take a look at the industrial sectors including mining, metal, charcoal, golden, oil and gas ores for processing. Some developing countries still not have technical factories to cope with that need yet.

That is what we want to refer to those absences of the factories which are sources for offering job markets too. Then they are able to complain to the government because it has not attracted investor nor establish those factories for absorbing labor market from people to generate their income.

Even though, in order to acquire the good job done those students or job hunters including for the graduates must have their comprehensive and meticulous knowledge of the major or specialization responding to the employment requirement because some job hunters still face bad skill to apply for job.

In addition, the students should engage themselves in volunteer working to gain more work experiences as they have just graduated before apply for good jobs. Then, the government must enhance its task to push more job market or increase investment and the students have to sharpen their skills and knowledge to cope with the employment’s requirement and need. Whenever they got the job so they could make revenue to improve the quality of live and living standard for family and community.

Read more about Sustainable Development for Rural Development

Community Health Education Development Project

Currently, there are many humanitarian organizations have been working at outreach in the developing country through implementing different types of development activity. Because they feel that the regional people, particularly community people are underprivileged and disadvantaged and rarely to equal access of health service or better health checkup. Logically, there are different community development projects for example agriculture, clean water, education, democracy, healthcare, social economics, human rights and so on. Most of people who are living at the rural areas are low educated; they are illiterates because some citizens are survivors from civil war aftermath meanwhile other children have no chances to go to school, due to they have to help their parents to generate income for the family. That is why the children must drop schools or there is not school in their village. People have no enough access to information about development and health service delivery from the government. The health center lacks of practical nurse and health center not open door 24 hours for client due to low salary of nurse staff. Still, the medical equipment and staff skills are limited yet.

Seeing like this, the humanitarian NGOs which work on health project have own mission to grant counterpart fund to the government or implement themselves to improve the better healthcare service delivery for the local people. We realize that some villagers still have belief on the spirit while they get sickness. They try to look for shaman or wearing talisman as means to cure their sickness and prevent from illness. Environment of living are detriment to their health threat through eating unhealthy food or no wellness. They do not know how to use clean water; actually there are no clean water sources in the remote areas. They use water in the pond and sometimes the animals use it too. They have no uptakes on oral health, sanitation and hygiene. The pregnant women are rarely to go to the meet nurse for medical checkup and prenatal care. For those who enter the forest for farming do not even have knowledge about how to take care from mosquito bite, they always sleep without mosquito nets casting. Morbidity and mortality rate are still high susceptible to community people if without intervention from both government and non-governmental organizations.

The intervention of non-government organizations is a vital action in which necessary to realize villagers to change their behavior and attitude. In a response to the project design for development related to healthcare, they have been operating some activities concerning to the health education. They teach local villagers to understand primary basic health through village health volunteers (VHV) and providing them training to transfer knowledge to others in the village so that to realize community people many kinds of harmfulness and sickness from mosquito bites like malaria and dengue fever. Training must be conducted at the school students concerning about oral health, first aid, hand washing, environment of living etc. Health workers educate villagers at rural areas on how to use clean water to prevent diarrhea that is preventative measure of sickness. Some projects help community to dig well and provide them water filters, motivate and encourage community people to go to the health centers because some regional people still do not trust in medical services for example when they see nurses arrive at their regions to vaccinate them, they escape into the forest.

Health care intervention project for local villagers is a key element for them to struggle for living and alleviate the poverty because while they get sickness there is no main household to make income for the family. Then the government and NGOs have to deal with helping them to get good health services and enable children to go to school shaping them to improve better livelihood in future.

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The Sustainability of Development for Rural Areas

Sustainable development definition in terms of what all NGOs wish to accomplish it in after the investment of operation of a project even they phased out or the project has terminated at target areas. Sustainable development is able to respond to the people’s needs as for these days without obstacle against people’s ability so that to meet their needs for tomorrow. As we are aware that natural resources source in this world is definitely limited. In order to satisfy the need of people and for better conditions of living, it requires having preparation of the balance consumption of those resources in a manner of transparency, and proportionately as well as to defend and keep them for the next younger generation. Otherwise, natural resources would become the curse of a nation.

The priority of natural resources using should be allowed for all people to have the chance to improve their regional livelihood and family. Everyone has the right to participate as a member of the community family and society’s production.

Sustainable development prioritizes the collection of all resources in the region for investment based on education and builds capacity for people:
A. Be responsible for their own livelihood and existing resources in the community
B. Participate with any decision in different levels
C. Agree on responsibility for the whole local people’s healthcare

This feature of development is central to people as the focal point for development. It also seeks an opportunity for people to get guarantee in their living standard relying on the innovation of existing resources. This makes value and culture of human being.

There are 4 principles in people centered development model:
1- Participation from the people is a key element in development. It means that the active and intensive involvement of them in making a decision on the process of development.
2- Sovereignty obtained with local villagers is really a social art for positive change. Freedom and democracy are the hope for common persons. The person’s sovereignty is a basis of democracy. The legitimate role of government is to help citizens to obey their agenda.
3- In order to practice their sovereignty, responsibility and community development, therefore the local people must monitor over their all resources. They have freedom of information, and means to oversee government’s accountability. The government is in charge of promoting and protection of citizen’s rights for their all participation.
4- For those who assist people in development have to recognize that they are participating to support people’s work; they must be persevere in this participation and motivate people keep working smoothly.

This development is a big thriving to build their humanity and relationship to the natural land and process of nature supporting their lives today. It is important to have relationship between human beings and nature. Distancing from the land it means that a sign of isolation from community and nature.

Read more about Key Principles of Community Organization

Forest Project and Aquaculture Sustainable Development

There always has consortium or technical working group meeting among rural development partners conducting, to implement some tasks which relevant to the experience lessons of a project namely “Management of Regional Forest Community like mangrove, Sustainable Planning and Enhancement of Institution” implemented by the non-governmental organizations and within support from other international development and cooperation agency for developing country.

This initiative of project is to protect the legal natural resources at the target community. A project enables regional beneficiary get access to take advantages from the natural forest products according to their old typical tradition for long time because mostly of regional people are living depend on forest products.

In a process of project implementation, there will also become a tool in order to improve the income of community members and ensures the quality of their lives. It is a move to protect from illegal logging so that the local villagers are able maintains and conserves their forest in the country effectively.

Conservation of forest in community is also crucial part to contribute in term of environment-friendly protection, basically in the framework of climate change and ecosystem sensitivity. The stakeholders have to take into account of where and size of forest land which should be integrated in project designation and operation.

Furthermore, the “Promoting and Aquaculture Development at Rural Area” project aiming to alleviating of poverty and sophisticate food security, in which this project was funded by the humanitarian donors, NGOs and/or other international development agents. As of process of project implementation must be implemented by non-governmental organizations within collaboration with the government agent, for example more likely the ministry of agriculture, forest and fisheries.

Some important activities in the project are disseminating of regional products and techniques in order to increase the regional productivity and issue policy and strategy to protect sustainable natural forest. Then, they have to establish small aquariums (referring to ponds), local fishing place, and effective water basin and strategic plan for forest management.

The project is also came into handy to enhance the rural areas’ in term of climate change policy through preparation of tabulation, and indication of gender mainstreaming and gender equality action get involved in the cross-cutting fields toward the locality's benefits.

To achieve this overall project goal so all relevant key actors including the ministry of agriculture and NGOs require playing fundamental role by working closely— based in the rural areas. This project is an integral part for national enormous economics and we could see whether the outputs convert/impact to reduce the poverty and improve better livelihood of our rural people and climate change context.

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Finding out about Climate Change

Every single of person always talk about the climate change and they always use scientific language and technical terms of climate change definition in which are very complicated that we used to hear —that is because of we do not understand its meaning. Let us take a look at some questions and answers in this article in regard of Climate Change as following:

Q: why we need to protect forest if we want to reduce the climate change effect?

A: The scientists have estimated that there is probably 20 percent of annual greenhouse gases emission into the atmosphere. This is because of deforestation and low down of forest amount. This emission is much more than greenhouse gases emission came from the global transportation which causes the global warming.

Q: why there is forest greenhouse gases emission much more than greenhouse emission from the small cars, lorry, and airplane and ship combination?

A: while the woods were suffered destruction, burned down, or being decayed so the Carbons dioxide contained in those woods evaporate to the space as CO2 then it will increase the earth warming rate, the retention of such heat is called greenhouse gas. Furthermore, a big amount of other forest carries plenty of underground Carbon dioxides. For example when they burn forest in the localities, much of decayed plants then it causes to emit lots of Carbon Dioxides and carbon footprint from the ground and the microorganism also emit this CO2 to the space. The forest stands in the decayed plant and tree where Carbon Dioxide is present underground much more than upper land. Those Carbon will radiate into the space during they are logging forest to damage. As the forest was lost so the earth also loses important resources which used to absorb Carbon footprint from the environment. Recent study revealed that woods sequestrated Carbon in amount of billions ton which have been radiating to the earth through human’s activity (Anthropogenic Emission). Therefore when the earth loses lots of forest then we lose ecosystem too. Over one billion people lives in this world rely on forest mostly. The forests are subject for trade purpose for example they have been produced as timber, paper, and plywood etc. worthwhile up to 150 billion dollars.

Q: what is happening related to deforestation?

A: the weather is increasingly hot in which susceptible to drought, community health impact, prone to flooding, there is bushfire that cause the Carbon evaporation to the space. Without stopping the deforestation so there is no means to ease or adapt to the climate change.

In order to contribute to adapt and ease the climate change, the developing countries must reduce consumption of bio-fuels. In contrast, they should reforest and they must have national effective strategy to conserve and maintain the forest well for the sake of green planet. 

Read more about Forest and Aquaculture Development Project

Seeking for Alliances

When the people are talking about the core team in the community they will be interested in getting involved in your work. They may not work as much as you but please keep in mind that we need many people to participate with us as possible. Making a difference is a hard work and it is moving quickly forward if we make connection with many people. Just imagine that you seem likely a pebble was thrown into a pond. A pebble could create a few water waves then they disappear. A lot of more pebble increasingly makes big waves.

Find the resources outside your community. If your locality has problem so other communities are. They can think new ways toward resolution or they wish to join you in advocacy for making a difference.

Even seeking for resources is self-responsibility, sometimes we have to look for assistance outside from the community for example non-governmental organizations (NGOs), media outlet—aiming at receiving the resources and materialize the change.

What can NGO help you?
1-Build a core team and community member
2-To assist in building the linkage between community, government’s officials and senator and national assembly as bridge.
3-Always provide the voices to legislator of what people suggested in a process of lawmaking.
4-Build communication with other communities nationwide.
5-Provide resources, materials, technical assistance and budget.
6-Doing a complex research for example baseline survey or legal research.
7-Make a connection to other countries.
8-Legal aid services.

Whenever the NGOs implement good approaches, it pushes the local people getting good experiences. There are some NGOs feel that they have only knowledge to cope with problems. They should not conduct advocacy directly. Instead, they should help local people to address problem by themselves peacefully.

To protect our land grabbing: Seeking for alliances
The core team has decided that they have to implement activity to tantalize from the media. During a meeting there was a member raised that the students may have good idea about reasons and how to claim our rights to retrieve our land ownership. Because of this idea, following they get permission from the principal to meet with students, parents and teachers.

Note: While your local people pay attention to participate with addressing problems so there will have many people come to join you. In order to expand the core team member, they have to run election to vote for those who are willing in making a difference positively.

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