Sports Facilitate in Political Relationship

For those who love sports still remember well that Mr. Nelson Mandala mentioned during the world’s football match “Sport effects to change the world” amidst the description of the United Nations Secretary-General raised that “Sport is the common language which people communicate.”

The above-mentioned raising is the huge meaningfulness of sports function. Sport is not only for a winning match but also symbolizing of solidarity and peace for humanity. Many countries used to stereotype it for making a connection of diplomatic affair recovery or enhancing the foreign ties.

Obviously, in the past period which the United States and China had reset their diplomatic relation through the Ping Pong while there was a visit of the United States President to China and china had dispatched its diplomat to United States as return. Through this sport, in which has made the both parties started to have connection again.

Likewise, the Pakistan and India ties were broken for many years with regard to the territory occupation in a past Kasmir area so over that time, sports always were played for diplomatic relation restoration. Sport playing is the good way and it is called “Sport Diplomacy” to enhance relationship and partnership which the diplomats would travel to visit in any host country.

Look at a country in the Southeast Asia region, such as Cambodia used to play this sport diplomacy while this country had a border conflict with Thailand. The both countries army commanders always play volleyball and the heads of two countries played football so that to reduce the contentious border and tense situation. Even they use the sport as a way for building the relationship but it is also used for any political motives.

Just keep in mind that last time Russia has hosted the Winter Olympic Sports which is noted that it was a huge sport event of Russian administration in term of better diplomatic relation. However, Russia is still beleaguered and slammed of human rights violation allegation, was notorious of corruption and recently relevant to the carving Ukraine territory up.

Read more about Vietnam’s Dilemma Of Relationship With The U.S.

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