Malnutrition Causes Children Dead

Globally, the malnutrition is the cause for children death in around 35 percent of ages under 5 every year. In Cambodia, malnutrition affects severely children under 5 year-age old. This is because of the lack of providing nutritious food enough then it caused infectious diseases. Malnutrition, hunger, and starvation are the factors among others which lead the children to die and get sick and it would continue to have the effect the adults for both physical and mental development, for example, they are poor in study and impact to availability of job opportunity for their lives.

An impact of the malnutrition has been seen across Cambodia. Probably 40 percent of the children are five or less than five years have a stunt body compared to their ages and the weight is not accurate. The women are easily stricken by such malnutrition as well from 15 to 49 of their age, they look so thin. This would be a risk during the birth delivery so the baby does not have accurate weight.

Even there is a campaign for encouragement of the women to breastfeeding of baby but not enough effective yet. It is critical for understanding how to add supplementary food or nutrients to children, especially between the age of 6 to 24 months. Most of the mothers stop their babies’ breastfeeding while the babies are reaching at 4 months and some wait until over 6 months. The extra-food issue is lacking of protein, fat, vitamin and minerals.

Mothers and caretakers have main duty to ensure that the children receive an appropriate supplementary food or nutrients and wholesome foods. To achieve this, it requires to form an effective national relation strategy so that to promote the awareness of supplementary food or nutrients in Cambodia.

It is important for the women to be aware of nutrition status for babies based on mother’s nutrition both during delivery and post-delivery because your nutrition will effect to baby’s nutrition. As the women doubted that if they get pregnant they should go meet the nurse as soon as possible. And if they are diagnosed pregnant, they should eat food as much as they can, properly take medicines including iron medicines and follow up their weight regularly.

Lacking of iron and zinc is an issue among other concerns of the public health of Cambodia. For some women, they may react to the side effect’s medicines like vomit and getting black stool. Even though, the side effect can be reduced through taking medicine at night. While pregnancy, women may need 400 Calories extra every day. There is no clear rule on weight increase in the first three months because of different individuals. But after six months, the rule is that every single woman must increase weight one Kilogram per month.

After delivery, mothers have to breastfeed immediately and continue to take medicines properly. It is for a rare case that few mothers do not believe that they can breastfeed or have enough colostrum. In a proper way, all nursing mothers have enough colostrum.

The baby needs colostrum until the age of 6 months for nutrition. It is good to provide such nutrition for young children because it reduces diseases and colostrum consists of nutritious substances which power milk does not.

After reaching the age of 6 months, the supplementary food or nutrients are needed. However, the nursing mothers still continue to breastfeed babies till they are 2. Keep in mind that only rice does not contain enough nutrition but other food like egg, fish, meat, oil, vegetable, and fruit must be provided to ensure the calories and mineral of a child.

Even though, poverty condition is leaving behind the family is the form of lacking of nutrition and risk for children.

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