Many people have been dying every year due to road crash accident. Beside death, road crash incident left casualties over 5000 people per year. Road incident in the community of Cambodia lost economic cost over 300 million dollars yearly. The big death of road incident is on the special day for example Chinese or Khmer New Year celebration, which is a huge saddened tragedy of Cambodian community to mourn and shed tear drop.
Actually, it is the Cambodia’s high figure of the dead. It is higher than death of mine incident or vicious HIV/AIDS but there is only few people had spotlighted on it and takes action to demolish this road incident. Remember that, every year thousands of community families suffer the separation from their beloved one because of a such road killer.
90 percent of road incident caused by human factor, in term of driver’s behavior which never obey the traffic law for instance driving without respect to traffic signs, road right of way, speed driving, and drink driving. Another factor to cause road incident is vehicle, it means that the vehicle is old and not properly technically checked. In addition, the driver does not fasten the safety belt or helmet. Those factors escalate a huge death and casualties.
During the civil war, the people had suffered from the battling among fellow citizens and many died. Khmer Rouge regime was recognized as the terrible tear-sea of bloodshed. Currently, Cambodia is peaceful but security not fully guaranteed yet. Cambodians still die because of political conflicts, land grab issues, and other social injustice like unfair court. Amid this death facing, the people are still brutally killed by the road crash incident.
Therefore, we must take part to vigorously work in order to prevent this worst road killing for our community. The idea is that we have to hold the campaign for road user’s behavior change then focused on stringent law enforcement, stop corruption in issuing a license and requires a firm fine for those who violate the traffic law.
And ethic education for respect the law and traffic signs and lights. Some users of road are not aware of those traffic signs or right of way, if so it would be so dangerous while there are pedestrians across the road.
We believe that whenever we understand well about the morality, traffic law and we comply with law so the road tragedy may reduce and people would not die by a road killer any more. Read about Please Stop Eating Dog Meat
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